Bridal Fittings

Congratulations Bride!

The first bridal gown pinning usually takes place about a few months before your wedding day. Don't forget your shoes, bra, slip, and checkbook— along with any other accessories you have purchased—so you can see how everything looks together. This fitting is to ensure two main things: That your gown is the right size, and the right design (neckline, train, sleeves and so on) and that your seamstress has a handle on what alterations need to be made. As soon as you have your dress on, we will begin looking for places where your dress needs to be taken in, let out, shortened, lengthened or altered in another way. At this point you will also receive a price quote. While your seamstress is busy fitting your gown, take a close look at the fit and how the fabric falls. Is there any puckering, bunching or bulging? Look closely at the stitching, embroidery or beading. Does everything seem well-sewn? Speak up if you see anything that you don't like. We will be able to tell you why each problem exists, and what can be done to fix it. Before you leave your first fitting, make sure to schedule your next one with the same seamstress.

The first fitting is two months after your pinning. Fittings and adjustments are required and often needed to achieve the perfect fit. Trust your seamstress and trust the process. Be sure to bring all your undergarments and shoes. All your concerns from the pinning have been addressed and fixed. You can move comfortably in your gown. Now is the time to tell your seamstress if you see something that doesn’t look right. If there is a problem, continue to schedule fittings until you’re completely satisfied. It’s not uncommon for some adjustments to be made in person for the perfect fit.

Please note: if your gown required major alteration for example: take in the entire side seams, add cups, shorten straps, reshape neckline, hem, and bustle. Three or more fittings will be required.

The final fitting is here. Get exited bride to be you now have the perfect fit. Let’s record the bustle so that we can show your bridal party/friends. We offer a complimentary stream before your big day in store. Just give us a week notice so we can expect you.


Garment Fit Process